Thursday, September 01, 2016

Kayak Jan 8-31-16

I met up with Jack at the Kayak Center and we launched our kayaks around 7:30 a.m.  I brought frozen squid and Jack grabbed a tank full of small sardines at the receiver and we left the harbor.  We split up the sardines and the frozen squid. 

It was cool and foggy with visibility less than a mile.  The water was flat calm and 68.4 degrees.  We decided to troll plastic swim baits out to the pipe.

We enjoyed a slow trek out to the pipe, an area close to the harbor, then switched to sardines.  Jack caught three fish as soon as we got there.  First he caught an 18 inch white seabass, then a sandbass (which he released) then a calico bass that he kept. 

I got a couple short bites but couldn't hook one.  I asked Jack what his set up was - 20# line, #2/0 hook and 2 ounce slider.  I was fishing 25# line, 3/0 hook and 1 ounce slider.  I changed out my 3/0 hook for a 2/0 and my 1 ounce slider for a 2 ounce slider.  By this time we were at tide change and the bite dropped off.  We decided to head out to the barber poles.
Barber Poles
We did a slow troll out.  When we got there, the Clemente was anchored on the second barber pole so we headed south to the third barber pole. 

Jack got several more bites including another short white seabass and two big fish that broke off.  I caught a mackerel first and put it on my hook.  Then I caught a bonito - actually I lassoed it.  My mackerel was still on the hook and about 12 inches above the hook was a bonito with my line wrapped around the lower jaw.  Guess this is cowboy fishing!

We decided to head back to the pipe.  On the way I caught an 14 inch calico which I released.  It was a beautiful day on the water - perfect actually.

We got back in at 1 p.m. and it was 2 p.m. by the time I got my kayak and tackle cleaned up and headed home.


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